10 Health Benefits Of Bitter Leaf

Bitter leaf is a common leaf in Africa that is used to cook a variety of dishes and delicacies, but not everyone is aware of its numerous health benefits, particularly those obtained from bitter leaf juice.
But, you may wonder, what is the nutritional value of bitter leaf? Vernonia amygdalina (bitter leaf) has a high protein (33.3%), fat (10.1%), crude fibre (29.2%), ash (11.7%), mineral (Na, K, Ca, Mg, Zn & Fe), phytate (1015.4mg/100g), and tannin (0.6%) content, while cyanide (1.1mg/kg) content is low.
Everyone appears to be aware of it. It grows arguably everywhere. Vernonia amygdalina, or bitter leaf, is a low-maintenance plant.
It thrives wherever it grows. It’s also evergreen. Onugbu is the Igbo word for it. Ewuro is the Yoruba word for it. Shiwaka is the Hausa word for it. The bitterness of the plant is perhaps its most distinguishing feature.
Although “bitter”, it’s one thing to definitely include in your diet. The following are some of the numerous health benefits of drinking bitter leaf juice. However, before we jump right into that, let’s answer a few questions regarding bitter leaf.
How Much Bitter Leaf Should You Consume?

There are currently no established guidelines for how much bitter leaf should be consumed for optimal health.
Although more research is needed, a Delta State University study found that drinking 6 glasses of a tonic made from 10 handfuls of fresh leaves squeezed in 10 liters of water help manage diabetes.
However, don’t stop with just the plant’s leaf. The medicinal and nutritional properties of the plant, including the root and stem, improve overall health.
What Are The Negative Consequences Of Drinking Bitter Leaf Juice?
When a person has an allergic reaction, it is impossible to use this plant species. If a dosage is not followed and you self-medicate, bitter leaf juice can cause high blood pressure, serious heart problems, and an increase in blood glucose levels.
As a result, it is critical to use bitter leaf only after consulting with a doctor. Pregnancy and bitter leaf Because bitter leaf has no additional side effects during pregnancy, you can use it. Furthermore, it aids in conception issues.

1. The Plant Is Beneficial To Bones And Teeth.
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant mineral found in bitter leaf that plays an important role in the body, including bone and tooth maintenance.
It also contains trace amounts of vitamin K, which aids the body in maintaining healthy bones and preventing bone tissue weakening, also known as osteoporosis.
2. It May Help Prevent Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is a fairly common cancer, particularly among older men. While following the treatments prescribed by a medical professional is essential for the successful treatment of prostate cancer, a study published in the Nutrients journal showed promise in the prevention of the disease. According to the same study, the plant may also improve survival rates.
The high levels of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals such as flavonoids are thought to contribute to bitter leaf’s prostate cancer prevention properties.
3. Detoxifies The Entire Body.
Bitter leaf is high in proteins, vitamins, and minerals, which help to detoxify the entire body and boost the immune system.
4. Bitter Leaf Can Be Used To Treat Insomnia
While some people fall asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow, many people struggle to sleep. Insomnia can range from a minor annoyance to a debilitating condition. Bitter leaf has traditionally been used to aid sleep.
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It is believed that drinking a Bitter leaf solution before bed will induce a state of calm and relaxation that promotes sleep.
5. Bitter Leaf Reduces Fever
Bitter leaf contains flavonoids, which have strong antioxidant properties and can aid in the treatment of a variety of health problems, including high fever. Historically, bitter leaf was used in traditional medicine to treat the bacterial infection typhoid fever.
6. It Has Anti-Diabetic Properties.
A combination of factors suggests that bitter leaf may help with diabetes. The presence of phytochemicals, vitamins, and other nutrients such as proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, ash, and other components is thought to act together to lower blood sugar levels, according to research published in the International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences.
7. Bitter Leaf May Help With High Blood Pressure Due To Its Anti-Inflammatory Properties.
According to a study published in the Journal of Food Biochemistry, bitter leaf inhibits specific processes in the body and, as a result, may have a positive effect on high blood pressure. The antioxidants in bitter leaf are another factor that can help with the condition’s treatment.
8. Cure For Insomnia
Insomnia can be relieved by drinking bitter leaf juice. Take two glasses of bitter leaf juice every night, and your body will be so calm that you will be able to sleep easily. If desired, a little honey can be added.
9. The Bitter Leaf Improves Metabolic Function
Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, is essential for the human body’s metabolism of lipids, amino acids, and glucose. Thiamine is an important dietary supplement found naturally in a bitter leaf that aids in the oxidation of fatty acids to produce lipid synthesis, which is one of the body’s essential processes.
10. It Aids In The Fight Against Free Radicals.
Another nutrient found in bitter leaf is vitamin E, which acts as an antioxidant, fighting free radicals that harm the body’s system.
11. Helps With Weight Loss
The components in bitter leaf juice make it an excellent therapy for burning off that extra fat you’ve been trying to get rid of. A daily dose of bitter leaf juice in your diet can help you get rid of bad cholesterol and lose weight.
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12. Cancer Risks Are Reduced
Bitter leaf contains numerous anti-cancer properties, such as the andrographolide compound, which has been scientifically proven to be effective in the treatment of prostate, gastric, and colon cancers.
Furthermore, research has shown that bitter leaf extract can boost the immune system, inhibit tumour growth, and prevent cancer cell development.
13. Reduces High Blood Pressure
The bitterness that makes bitter leaf unappealing is also one of its most powerful and beneficial properties. The bitterness of bitter leaf juice helps to control blood pressure and lowers blood sugar levels.
Doctors recommend bitter leaf to hypertensive and diabetic patients because the potassium it contains is a good remedy for hypertension because it prevents sodium from spiking up in the bloodstream by flushing out the salt accumulation.
14. Assists In The Treatment Of Abdominal Problems
Bitter leaf is useful in treating stomach upset, diarrhoea, dysentery, and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. A cup of bitter leaf juice twice daily can help relieve stomach problems.
15. Improves Fertility
When it comes to the reproductive system of women, bitter leaf is very impressive. Drinking bitter leaf juice can help a woman get pregnant because the chemical compounds found in bitter leaf extracts, such as edotides, promote hormonal balance and boost your immune system, which helps you fight off toxins. When your genital hormone is restored to balance, your chances of becoming pregnant increase.
16. Strengthens The Liver And Kidneys
The kidney is a vital organ in the body. If the kidney fails, it will have an impact on the entire body’s functioning.
Bitter leaf does an excellent job of protecting the kidneys and liver from damage. Bitter herbs help to tone the body’s vital organs, particularly the liver. The kidney and liver can benefit greatly from the use of bitter leaf. As a result, many people regard bitter leaf as a panacea.
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