Christmas food recipe ideas

The festive season is almost here. Every festive season, something must be in abundance. Can you guess what that is?
If you guessed FOOD, then you guessed right! Food is always in abundance every festive season. During the Christmas season, different family members gather, and feast together.
We know the importance of knowing several Christmas food recipe ideas. That’s why in this blog post, we have provided the best we know.
Are you ready to spice up your holidays with the right recipes up your sleeves? If yes, then dive in.
Christmas food recipe ideas
Gizdodo is one of the most appetising dishes you should try out this Christmas. It is a Nigerian dish prepared with a combination of gizzards and plantain.
Gizzards are mostly used, hence the name. Chicken gizzards, preferably. However, in a situation where Chicken gizzards are not available, you can substitute with turkey or duck gizzard.
Then for the plantains, it’s better you use ripe plantains – the kind of ripe plantains with dark spots on the skin. Be careful not to use overly ripe plantains, so you don’t prepare something that you and your family will not find appetising.
Nigerian fried rice
Nigerian fried rice is one of the most popular dishes Nigerians know. It is also one of the most sought after foods at parties and occasions. Not including this into our list of Christmas food recipe ideas will be a grave insult to the fried rice community.
Fried rice is a special kind of rice, because it is not prepared like the others. The fried rice is prepared by stir frying seasoned pre-cooked rice with a mixture of vegetables and proteins (e.g meat, chicken or prawns.)
Nigerian Jollof Rice
Jollof rice is also one of Nigerians’ favourite. Just like the Nigerian fried rice previously mentioned, the Jollof Rice is an important meal in every Nigerian home. There’s no doubt about that.
Unlike the fried rice, the Jollof Rice is easy to prepare and requires minimal ingredients. Also, it is budget friendly. If you follow the right procedure, you can produce the perfect party Jollof Rice for you and your family during the Christmas season.
Grilled Fish
If you’re a fish lover, gather together for a selfie. While some people are in love with fish, some are not. If you’re the latter, then keep reading.
Nigerian grilled fish is simply delicious. It is tasty, spicy and always on point. The grilled fish recipe is an easy one. The best part is that your ingredients can be twisted to suit the available spices and seasonings in your kitchen pantry.
The best type of fish to use is the Tilapia fish, but if that isn’t available, any other tasty fish works.
This name sounds strange, yes! However, you’ve got to try this recipe; it’s extremely sumptuous. If you’re a meat-lover or seafood lover, you will fall in love with this recipe.
Jambalaya can be made in different dishes – we have the pasta jambalaya, jambalaya with sausage or shrimps, or seafood jambalaya. It’s a lot!
Jambalaya is a dish of rice with shrimps, chicken and vegetables.
Everyone anticipates the Christmas season, because it’s a time to feast and unwind from all the year’s stress.
It’s important to have different recipes up in your sleeves before that time, so you and your family can have an amazing time feasting.